Mold Removal/Basement Waterproofing

I use a non-toxic trade secret process that guarantees to kill the mold and prevent it from coming back.  Many mold problems begin with the wrong combination of ventilation components.  One of the most common problem area’s is the attic.  Air has to fully circulate through the attic, for instance, to prevent moisture and heat from building up and causing attic mold.   Air should enter through the soffit and exit out either a ridge vent or box vents near the ridge.   A power fan is also a fine exhaust component, one with a humidity setting is preferred.

As far as other problem area’s go, physical removal and treating the remaining building materials is recommended 9 out of 10 times.  This is because the the spore has planted a root and while you may eliminate what you see the mold will only return.  Mold is not dirt and cannot just be cleaned.  It is alive, and it needs to be killed/removed if possible.  If mold is on drywall, for instance, the drywall  has to be cut out and removed.  Before you can begin the demo, the mold first it has to be killed.  Otherwise, the spores will release numerous other little spores into the air and just further spread.  

One preventative step we take is setting up containment system.  This is key to prevent cross contamination.  This may be confusing, which is why when you call for your estimate, I can explain exactly the steps performed according to your specific needs.

With my experience in building I can assure you I am the most qualified technician you can call to have a full assessment of the situation and be confident that the problem has been solved.  

Warning!- On occasion I cant fully diagnose the problem until I get into the project, but I always find the culprit!